This blog has been and will be many things. Enjoy the variety of my ever-changing life!

Monday, August 27, 2012

It's good to be back.

It's so good to be back to the friendliest place on the planet!  I've spent the last week in a flurry of activity in an attempt to make up for the wall I'm about to slam into as classes get started.  I'd heard that sophomore year is the best, and so far that's been true.  I've gone hiking twice since I've been back.  The first time, I went to Dragon's Tooth.  This was my second trip up, but it's still one of the best hikes I've ever done because it's relatively short, challenging in places, and the view from the top of the main tooth is incredible.  The second adventure wasn't quite as successful.  We attempted to go to Tinker Cliffs, but ended up taking the wrong trail and just exploring the wilderness of the North Mountain.  Apparently the Tinker Cliffs trail is unmarked and in the back of the parking lot.  Who knew!  Anyway, we still had a ton of fun and got a great workout from the seemingly millions of switchbacks we discovered.

I also reconnected with Molly and Kelley!  We watched Midnight in Paris and reminisced about our summer, and ate a wonderful dessert called Big Cookie.  Basically, you take two things of chocolate chip cookie dough, bake it until it reaches your preferred level of gooiness, and cover the top with vanilla ice cream.  Yum!

Academic update:  not sure if I already mentioned this, but I'm going for the full double major.  Also, I'm apparently a junior now because of AP and dual enrollment credit.  Woohoo!

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